Let's get this PARTY started!!!! Logo Final THOUGHTS? Move Forward?
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Becoming a Certified Roof Cleaning Professional
Let's Agree on a FINAL LOGO and get this party Started? IMHO: This is Professional, not gaudy, overdone, looks like an accredited and trustworthy source for advice and expert information. This should really be the LOGO we ALL decide upon. For the reasons above and for our combined image, it should on...
NOT Certified yet, but listed as certified on website!
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Becoming a Certified Roof Cleaning Professional
Has anyone else ran across members websites where they claim to be certified, but have yet to fulfill the requirements to become certified? To me, this is unfair to the people that have fulfilled the requirements by doing what is required over a period of time. When this type of behavior is allowed to...
Certification in Roof Cleaning
Becoming a Certified Roof Cleaning Professional
Hello friends! It's been a while since I've been able to log on here on a consistent basis. It seemed to me that once I got to a point where I was very busy I couldn't find the time to play on the computer that much! :) I will say that the knowledge and wisdom dispersed over this forum is phenomenal! I've l...
I passed Nortel 920-344 certificate promotion
Becoming a Certified Roof Cleaning Professional
I passed the exam of Nortel 920-344, which is satisfying, but the most important thing is that I passed the exam. About the preparations: I spent three weeks on preparation, two weeks are used to study the "BCM 50/450 Rls.5.0 Sales Engineering". Learning objectively will help you to pass...
Up for Certification
Becoming a Certified Roof Cleaning Professional
Hello to all those up for your certification tests! On my list are: Rooftop Wizards Roofcleanse+ Martin from Australia and Simply Glass There may be more?? If you have been over 100 posts and we havn't called you yet please send me a PM. I have been very busy since the Tampa event and will be calling yo...
Attn: All RCIA Logo Holder(s)!!!
General Public Discussion
PLEASE MAKE THIS CHANGE! If you currently have a RCIA logo on your web site, please remove the link to the forum and change it to http://www.roofcleaninginstitute.com. This small change will help the .org SEO tremendously. Thank you!
New Soft-Wash System for 2015
General Public Discussion
Here is one of the latest designs for 2015. #TeamSoftWash #GetYourCleanOn #LetsSoftWashAmerica
How to become a certified roof cleaner.
Certified Roof Cleaning Maryland
How do I become a certified roof cleaner in the Maryland/DC/Virginia area?