"Pimped" My Phone Number-Take a Look At My Signature-WOW!
Certified Roof Cleaning - Marketing
Good Afternoon All, Got to get busy outside today but it is cold outside and my bones say stay inside where it's warm. Trying like heck to convince myself that cold = good, staying inside where is warm = bad, you know, as they say, the show must go on. People starting to call for estimates,etc.? & seve...
Tip of the Day! Keep QC's and hose ends clean when rolling up
Roof Cleaning Equipment Vendors
Tip of the Day! For years I had to replace my hose ends and quick disconnects prematurely when I did a LOT of Flatwork (concrete cleaning of malls,walkways, parking garages, etc.). I have been meaning to post this for a while now so you guys can all benefit. Its simple to keep the dirt and grit out of the en...
What do you want to see our membership grow into?
In The Shade
What do you want to see our membership grow into? 1. An association 2. An Non PROFIT association 3. A PAID MEMBERSHIP ONLY forum with a website to educate the consumer and have the forum be SECONDARY to keep MEMBERS only -trained in new techniques and tools? Lets all talk about your individual feeling o...
Want to OWN your Market: Secret Marketing Weapon! Tools and Tips of The PROS
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Certified Roof Cleaning - Marketing
This MARKETING SECRET brought to you courtesy of David Westerman-Roof Clean USA This info is 2009 copyright protected-Roof Clean USA-All Rights Reserved No part of this may be used or reproduced unless permission is authorized FIRST of ALL, what I about to share isn't JUST about what you see...
Is it even worth trying?
Tile Roof Cleaning Training Forum
I live outside of Pittsburgh, PA. I haven't been cleaning roofs that long, I have done about 20 total. I am trying to bust into this market because it sorely needs it. However, roof cleaning is big in FL and other parts of the country because people acknowledge that it is something that needs done. ...