Best Chemicals For Roof Cleaning?
Premium Members Discussion
Posted on September 10, 2012 by Allison posted in Cleaning Chemicals, Roof Cleaning, Soft Washing(Pages 14-15 of the May 2012 eClean Magazine)Click here to download the pdf file: S H, S Percarbonate or S Hydroxide forby Linda Chambers, Brand and Sales Manager for Soap Warehouse, www.S...
OMG - My SH Is Really Yellow !
General Public Discussion
This is exactly what you want!Guys, always remember this about SH. The more Yellow it is, the better, for our roof cleaning purposes.The more Yellow it is, the less refined it is, and the more S Hydroxide it contains.The more S Hydroxide left in the SH, the longer the shelf life, and the better it clean...
Anyone Ever Noticed This About The SH ?
General Public Discussion
There are 2 types of the SH, one is yellow/clear, and the other is much more yellow. We greatly prefer the Yellow kind of S H, because it contains more left over S hydroxide and it cleans and lasts in the tank more better. The clear/yellow type is more "refined", better for swimming pools perh...