what did i do wrong and what is a good Chemical mix
Roof Cleaning Pictures
I did my first roof clean today after 10 yrs out of the business, man a lot has changed. I looked around the last few days on this site and cant find help with a few questions I have. I used an X-Jet with a red proportioner and chemicals from sunbrite (Roof Kleen). I got the roof over the garage spraye...
Helpful discussion, or destructive obsessions?
Certified Roof Cleaning - Equipment
There are always 2 sides to every "discussion" or dis-agreement. Some may think they know everything and are experts on all subjects, and that everyone else is far below them in knowledge.This can cause problems at all levels and areas of relationships. We all are "experts in some t...
Roofster, fatboy kit, or air?
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Certified Roof Cleaning - Pumps
Need help on deciding Which Love sprayer to purchaseHello Ya'll! My name is Dustin and yes I am a newbie and thanks for this board I have learned allot. After reading several posts and looks like everyone has a different opinion on which roof applicator to use. Currently looking at the roofster and b...
I bought a GoDaddy website and a few domain names. Who here has a GoDaddy website I can check out?
SEO And Websites For Roof Cleaners
I'd like to see what you can do with a basic website, like I got? Anyone got websites I can look at, before I do anything with it? Thanks!