Finishing a homeowner's roof clean
Shingle Roof Cleaning Training Forum
I'm a novice roof cleaner, and am about to start a job finishing a roof clean for a neighbor. He has sprayed about half his roof with a bleach compound and that area now has the rusty looking dead moss. Beyond just giving the dead moss the brush-off, are there any concerns involving what I spray on to finis...
essential ladders?
Certified Roof Cleaning - Equipment
i currently operate a cleaning service company who cleans windows and wanna also clean roofs as a add on. just recently purchased a 32 ft. extension ladder and have a couple other sizes. just wanted to ask you specialized roof cleaners, what ladders would you say are essential for roof cleaning? than...
Little League Team
Certified Roof Cleaning - Marketing
Anyone ever sponsor a Little League team? I sponsored one this year. Give something back to the community and get a lil name recognition. Turns out I got a really good team. My boys have 7 wins and losses. They've been winning every game by a 10 point spread. Here's a few pics.
Large Nursing Home Roof Cleaning
Commercial Roof Cleaning Training Forum
This roof was cleaned due to the unsightly appearance and potential health concerns. The whole roof took 275gal. of cleaning solution. You mention the word mold around a nursing home or retirement commmunity, watch out, it will cause a whirlwind with residence. These roof are usually one stories a...
another contractor?
Certified Roof Cleaning - Chemicals
okay so I am on my walk about today handing out my post cards and talking to home owners. I stop and chat with a guy I thought was doing some work on his house. turns out he is a contractor. I explain to him what it is I am doing and how. He says that's great, then proceeds to give me the names and numbers of two cus...
Certified Roof Cleaning - Chemicals
Anyone tried BioBarrier from SunBrite or have any comments on it or chemicals in the same category as is in... (Borax is different)
Plant Killer!!!!!!
Certified Roof Cleaning - Chemicals
So I sprayed a roof yesterday thought I watered the ground well enough but low and behold two of the plants around the house had alittle to much to drink and didn't make it . This job was a freebie for my door knocker . I guess his wife's aunt was so upset it brought her to tears!!!!!! . On average how may of y...
Becoming a Certified Roof Cleaning Professional
If anyone is a flyers fan and goes to the games then you know who the happy birthday guy is. Doesn't this reminid you of him? He dances when they announce the happy birthdays mid intermission and has gotten some tv time through out the playoffs. He sits in the very last row and hasn't shaved in months. GO FL...
Becoming a Certified Roof Cleaning Professional
Newbie here, I have posted a few questions and have had them answered rather quickly. Here's my problem, we had a bad hail storm last Thursday some very minor damage to cars, quarter size hail, not hail like they had in Oklahoma, that was a "real" storm........but anyway now the roofers are...
Shingle Roof Cleaning Training Forum
I have a couple of the strainers with the 1/4 inch barb. Does anyone know where I can get them with the 1/2 inch barb? I've tried several places but no luck.
First commercial roof wash, need advice
Roof Cleaning Equipment Vendors
I dont have it yet. As everyone knows its a hard sell round this way. I'm meeting the one in charge tomorow at 1 oclock. They have already replaced 1/3 of the roof! I'm pretty sure I can make the rest of the roof, which is black, look the same as the new shingles. Its a hugggeeee building. Chit 800 feet long, m...
All Flo setup
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Certified Roof Cleaning - Pumps
Hi guys, All of you who know me know that I hate 12V pumps with a passion. I have had nothing but trouble with them, however (knock on wood) mine are working fine now that you all have given me help from my last post! Thank you all very much. I am ready to buy the all flow and the compressor, but I am not real su...
Bank job? who is in?
Becoming a Certified Roof Cleaning Professional
okay so I have a bid to do on a bank? here is my questions. the bank is at the port and they have some concerns about my chemicals. Here is what she wrote ( I checked the components of the roof cleaner, which include, as far as I can find out, sodium perchlorate, sodium carbonate and sodium silicate, also E...
Is there a class to take for roof cleaning
Becoming a Certified Roof Cleaning Professional
Im am fairly new . have been doing homes and drives looking to get in to roof cleaning .. I was wondering if there is a class some where in the midwest or some one that has been doing this type of cleaning. that could give me the info that Im looking for ... Thank you & God bless ... terryfishintegrityp...
North And South Carolina Guys
Becoming a Certified Roof Cleaning Professional
Hey Guys, I'd like to put together a small networking day for any cleaning contractor in North and South Carolina. Nothing major at all. Maybe just lunch and talk shop for a while. It would be nice to be able to meet up with the local contractors to network some. It would be ideal to have Roof Cleaners, Pr...
First Roof with the All Flo
Shingle Roof Cleaning Training Forum
I cleaned this roof today in Anderson, South Carolina. It was the first job with the All Flo - man is it nice!! -- Edited by WeWashWindows on Thursday 27th of May 2010 12:20:18 AM
Wilden M1
Certified Roof Cleaning - Pumps
Hey guys, Hopefully I hit the jackpot today. My uncle gave me a Wilden M1 1/2" that he had. Does anyone know if this pump will keep up with the needs of Roof Washing. Also, what distance can I see with a pump like this? Thanks
Certified Roof Cleaning - Marketing
OK so I am wondering on warranties for the roofs I clean in Washington state. I have seen that this is one of the worst areas for algae and moss. I mean the moss is bad here on the ocean. it rains a lot and is about 50 to 70 degrees most the time. what would be a reasonable warranty?
ladder safety
Certified Roof Cleaning - Marketing
Hey guys do any of you use a harness and tie to the edge of the roof while working from the top of the ladder on a high job? Seems it can get tricky up there when spraying with both hands?
Bagging DS
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Certified Roof Cleaning - Pumps
When do you bag the downspouts?