Cleaning in cold temps.
Shingle Roof Cleaning Training Forum
Alright alot of people want to know the secret to cleaning in cold temps. here it is... we have to clean these fast food restraunts with asphalt shingles at night. on average the temps at night here during the cold season is between 25-40 so heres the trick. first we up the mix about 10 percent. i know some...
Change in job title due to weather!
Certified Roof Cleaning - Chemicals
Well I sure as heck can't clean roofs when its 10*, so I loaded the SNOW PLOW onto my ATV and I'm going to clean drives tomorrow. We're supposed to get 3-5" of snow tonight and the temp tomorrow nite is going to around 1*. Every year that we get snow I can make $400-$500. in several hours right here in...
Cold Weather Roof Cleaning Secrets
Shingle Roof Cleaning Training Forum
I just posted this over at the ARCA Forum, to answer a question someone had. There is some good information for those of you dealing with shingle roof cleaning in colder climates then here in Tampa, Florida. Hope this helps some of you ? Chris, listen, many roof cleaners I have trained told me to use hot w...
Newest addition to my box truck
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Power Washing Forum
Got to have a first look at my new Machine today. I purchased this Hydrotek Hot Water Skid unit from CPW Equiptment in Mont Alto, PA. I will be bringing her home in about a week once the modifications are complete.