Got a question
Premium Members Discussion
I want to improve the appearance of my online proposals invoices etc. You know where it is typed in and not hand written on the forms. Any ideas???
Liquid Gain Dishwashing Soap is THE Best Store Bought Surfactant For Roof Cleaning
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Premium Members Discussion
We have been using it everyday, on both tile and shingle roofs, and it rocks! We buy it at Family Dollar Store, they have 44 oz Original scent NON Antibacterial Liquid Gain Dishwashing Soap for 3 dollars a bottle! One of these per 100 gallons of mix seems about right. It is also strongly scented. It appea...
Ladder Safety online
Premium Members Discussion
Not sure if you guy use this or not. We have to have tool box talks in my other business. Atleast once a week we have a different saftery meeting, and document it. Osha is really starting to crack down! Not a problem for a 1-2 man show, but it you have more than 5 workers including office people, you better g...
Bought Some Speech Recognition Software Today.
General Public Discussion
It is called Dragon, and Amazon had it for 1/2 price (37.00). You just talk, and it types for you! OMG, but what if I say "oh chit" Had to also order a headset with a microphone on it, and paid a little more for one with USB connectors and a volume control! Now, to find me a really idiot proof cheap video camer...
Pulled Over By DOT And State Cops !
Premium Members Discussion
My mechanic was road testing one of our trucks, and was stopped by DOT this morning. Then, a State Trooper pulled up. He was asked what was in the dual 325 gallon tanks. He said he did not know, so the DOT Guy caled me. It said blocked call on my caller ID. I thought it was a competitor a first, asking all kinds...
Sink holes..........
General Public Discussion
Sink hole in Fla. May be linked to dirty roof. Investigators are looking into the possibilty Gloeocapsa Magma over time may cause sink holes. To be on the safe side H/O are encouraged to clean their roofs each year.
Copper gutter and valley flashing
Premium Members Discussion
Estimated a job to toady with copper gutter and valley flashing which is very patina, will the love remove this Patina? I searched a couple threads and never really seen a 100% concrete yes or no?? Does anyone have more experince with the copper? Thanks Chris
New RCIA Forum On Page One Google Already!
General Public Discussion
The new forum is kicking butt! www.roofcleaninginstitute.org guys! WE are already page one Google for the non pressure roof cleaning search! This forum already has the search term roof cleaning in the bag, so on the new forum we targeted non pressure roof cleaning, and it is working!
General Public Discussion
WHATS UP ? SHOULD I BE THERE AND NOT HERE ? WHATS THE DEAL ? I like it here............. I like the colors here .. The simplicity........
Roof Cleaning Englewood FL
I have been licensed and insured in Charlotte and Sarasota County since 1989. We have been a father and son business, since 1994. You will not get any new guys in training with us! Here is a 2 minute video where you can watch a large portion of this blackened, algae infested, tile roof come clean before y...
Permission changes are complete
General Public Discussion
After 6.5 hours today, I just finished changing the permissions on the required accounts. I knew I was behind a little, but some people haven't been on here since September 2011.
Venice,Fl Roof Cleaning and Pressure Washing: Chuck Bergman
Roof Cleaning Venice FL
I have been licensed and insured in Charlotte and Sarasota County since 1989. We have been a father and son business, since 1994. You will not get any new guys in training with us! Here is a 2 minute video where you can watch a large portion of this blackened, algae infested, tile roof come clean before...
Here is an economic idea for throwing rocks
Premium Members Discussion
Yea I've got too much free time, lol!!! I was wondering what could I do when work is slow, extra something, to make the phone ring. When what we are using now, isnt make the phone ring. I thought the truck, but it gets real bad gas mileage, and my ranger is down right now, yea its like that, LOL! How about the b...
Google Loves Us !
General Public Discussion
You know what Guys, I always check to be sure all these promotional posts you are making show up in your local search results. I know they do, but what amazes me sometimes is how Fast they show up! This Roof Cleaning Michigan post hit the search results literally minutes after it was made! All these pr...
Roof Cleaning Equipment - Who Do You Buy From ?
General Public Discussion
Just curious where our roof cleaners are buying stuff from these days, and why ? If you have any good, or bad buying experiences to share about roof cleaning equipment purchases, please let us know.
Pressure washing North Beach Maryland
Certified Roof Cleaning Maryland
Here is a vid I made. Job we did today. Our first presure washing job of the year that wasnt a gutter cleaning lol! I hope you like it, and please give it a thumbs up!
Website management
Premium Members Discussion
I'm interested in having a site that I can manage myself that is google friendly. I understand some of the cheaper or free platforms (Weebly) can be detrimental for SEO purposes etc. Currently I have a site that is not so bad. My problem is that any photo or content I'd like to add or update is a nightmare....
New Member
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Premium Members Discussion
Hello Everybody! I own a roofing company in Erie,PA. I am a new member.
Shingle Roof Cleaning Training Forum
Cryptogam is the term used for different types of Moss' AND Lichen. I think there would be some value in us roof cleaners coming up with a fairly comprehensive list of these varmints. If possible I would like for this thread to be in the shade cause I think it may take awhile to take shape. So far my resear...
Be very careful when cleaning gutters.
In The Shade
When cleaning gutters, it is always a good idea to look in the gutter before cleaning.