Hello All! I am new to this website and roof cleaning in general, however, I have spent the last week or so reading a whole wealth of info on here. I have not cleaned a roof yet, but became extremely interested when I noticed my own roof and all the other roofs in my neighborhood. I am currenly considering the Delavan Fat Boy set up as that seems to come highly recommended from everyone on here. However, I noticed one set up from Northern Tool that seems like it may be a decent piece of equipment.
There are several reasons that I would NOT buy that item. 1. $1800.00 plus $182.00 shipping to my house. For that kind of money you could buy an air diaphram pump along with the compressor to run it and have one of the best set ups available. 2. That skid set up produces 220PSI which is too much pressure for a non-pressure set up. It only pumps 3.2 gpm which is going to be pretty slow for cleaning roofs. 3. The tank is pretty small and would probably not be big enough to do the average roof without re-mixing solution.
In my opinion, I would buy the delvan fat boy, a 150 gallon tank, 200' of 3/4 hose, make your own wands and order it all from Lori. You can do this set for under $1000.00 and do one fine job with it. Gary
3 words....SAVE YOUR MONEY. I have had and used the mc-16 comet pump and it couldn't handle the task. If you are looking to spend that kind of $ then get an Airflo Pump system from Lori at Pressure washer Products. She can put together a whole Roof Cleaning package for you. Trust me on this. I've spent thousands on Pumps that didn't work. You will not be sorry. I only wish that I had gotten the AirFlow pump waaaaaay before I did.