Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
Power Washing Forum
Wanted to bring you the before & afters of our cleaning of the DEO by Spray Wash Exterior Cleaning in Tallahassee, Florida. Building is approximately 150,000 square feet and was built in the 1950's Whats the difference between a thorough, safe cleaning and a paint job? About $120,000!!!!!! The...
Happy anniversary to Spray Wash!
Premium Members Discussion
It's hard to believe but it was only three short years ago in November 2009 that I opened spray wash exterior cleaning. We're blessed with great business and a fantastic crew and are trying to build a brand for the future that will be around for decades to come! A few of you know my story but I'd like to shar...
Logo Design Program
Premium Members Discussion
With winter right around the corner I'll need more to do. I was thinking of designing my own logo. Can anyone recommend a logo design program they have used? I know there are companies that will design a logo for a fee but this is something I wanted to try myself. Hank
I wish I could do this
General Public Discussion
Hey guys, check out this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVKPXcBtxQ0 that the local SEO Guru I told you guys about made for me. In the competitive roof cleaning brandon search, it is right there, near the Top of the Page! Next, look at the date of the video (when it went live). It is only 2 days o...
Tri-Fold? Trifold ?
Premium Members Discussion
However you spell it. Does anyone have a trifold that they would be willing to share. I have my flyers with pictures for roof and house washing, I am looking for a tri-fold as more as a way to inform customers. I would like to beef up my sales program, and I think a nice trifold is essential to business. Some...
boosting roof mix
Premium Members Discussion
We cleaned a couple of fibre cement slate roofs lately and the SH didn't work very well. The weather was pretty cold the first day but it was pretty mild the second day. On both of the roofs a white residue was cleary visible when the slate dried. I think that it came from the underside of the slate which is...
Yes, You Should Join Your Local BBB
General Public Discussion
Most people fail not because they lack the ability to clean roofs, but because of a lack of business.You should join your local BBB. It gives a powerful backlink for your website, and Google trusts it. It will help you be number one for a local search more then you probably realize. When people see this...
Kentucky Lead
General Public Discussion
I have a lead in Bowling Green Kentucky...going to Kip at Algae Free. Good Luck Kipp!
Cold Morning Blues
1 2 3
Premium Members Discussion
Bear with me I'm just whining. I knew things were bad when I got up at 5:15am this morning and it was 21 degrees (all pumps/equipment are stored inside the shop nightly). At 6:51am our customer (roof cleaning, house wash and gutter cleaning) called to inform me he doesn't have any running water. He sus...
Safe and Effective Roof Cleaning in York, PA 17402
Certified Roof Cleaning Pennsylvania
It was a cold day here in York, PA 17402 but, we managed to get this roof cleaning done! The owners recently purchased the home and were considering replacing the roof to get rid of the ugly stains. Instead, they contracted us, Roof Cleaning by A&E to clean their asphalt shingles using our safe an...
Rain/Wather proof outter wear
Premium Members Discussion
I am looking to guy my guys some waterproof outter wear to stay dry while working. Not really looking for warmth but only dryness. Does anyone have a supplier or website they have gotten these types of things from? Thanks,
Help with a rust stain on asphalt driveway
In The Shade
Hey guys. I was asked by a customer if this stain can be removed from an asphalt driveway. I have never really done rust removal so, I am not sure how to approach this. Any help or sugguestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Annual Maintenance For Roofs
Premium Members Discussion
I know that some of you offer an annual low priced maintenance program. Most of these give some type of limited warranty for the life of the roof. If any of you have a printed pieces of info you use or what your written warranty looks like. Also if possible give me a brief description of what you actual...
He Cleans Roof During The Summer
General Public Discussion
and kills Bed Bugs, during the off season! I recently talked with a guy, and this is what he does. He says he kills Bed Bugs by heating the home up to 140 degrees! LOL, I hope he has Insurance. It would be my luck I would burn the freaking house down He is taking advantage on the new national bed bug obsessio...
Cleaned roof today but after there was like a dusting of " something " left behind ???
Premium Members Discussion
Cleaned roof today but after there was like a dusting of " something " left behind ??? flat tile roof after cleaning there was all I can describe as dust, the tile colour was light green under all the crapola, I hosed down twice but it stayed in place and when dry I left foot prints in it, I went to...
Need Roof Cleaning in Union County NJ | New Jersey Power Washing
Certified Roof Cleaning New Jersey
Mallard Systems Orlando Florida
General Public Discussion
I have always had a close relationship with Mallard Systems of Orlando Fl, except when it was sold to the nice people from England. We were friendly, but did not send work to each other. Mallard is over in Orlando, I am in Tampa Florida, 75 miles away. To this day, Bob, the new owner of Mallard Systems, and...
Paul's Roof Cleaning Connecticut Certified
Certified Roof Cleaning Connecticut
Would like to inform all Paul's Roof Cleaning has been a member of RCIA for three years and is Connecticut's first and only Certified Roof Cleaner.
Gutter cleaning section Ad.
Premium Members Discussion
Noticed something today. In a publication I used to spend money on an ad. I been watching this over 5 years. A big time PW company, always had an ad in the PW section...Never seen them with a big expensive ad in the gutter cleaning section? Are they hurting or expanding? Why spend the money on an ad???? I...
employee training
General Public Discussion
With the end of the season in sight, I'm putting a list together of things to work on this winter. Right now, I don't have a formal policy when it comes to new employee training/orientation. I'd like to implement a structured system and handbook with a list of guidelines and expectations. I currently...