I tried it back in the day. I feel if youre looking for leads on Craigslist, expect to do work for next to nothing. I love when people place ads looking for someone to install a boiler, or snake a drain, or whatever service they need. They should just come right out and say theyre too cheap to find a professional, they dont care about quality, and they wont pay for more than a 12 pack...... of Old Milwaukee.
1. I go on craigslist all day looking for cheap deals. ( People on craiglist want deals) 2. People on craigslist are shysters and low ballers. ( I myself am a low baller) 3. You don't find doctors or scientist on craigslist. (Here at Apex Roof Cleaning, we are professionals you can't just find our services on craigslist.) 4. Make a butt kicking website, and follow Chris Tucker's Guide to nation wide SEO and you don't need craigslist.
I don't mean to set the negative tone, but just how I feel.
That's about all I post there for also Dave. I ask most of the time how they located us and 99% of the Craigslist calls are just other companies "shopping" other contractors to see if their price list is in the ballpark to see what they are charging or to price out the job for them. I can pick them out a mile away.