I got an e-mail from a customer, he had found me on the forum. It is nice to know the forum is working for me, however this customers was a doozie. He first starts of with this long email, which he sent late Sat. night but I got it to my blackberry and I answered it. He was happy I returned It so quickly, but over the last (2) weeks he has done nothing but ask questions. Some of the questions have been normal, but a few took me buy surprise. He has asked a few easy ones , like what is my cleaning process, do I use any pressure! But then he does a fairly long email just the other day! Asking me questions like can I supply him with an EPA approval of my cleaning process and my chemicals, and he also asks this one! I need to send him a copy of the MSDS for all the chemicals I will have on my truck and wanted a copy of my Haz mat license!! I finally got tired of the e-mails and i just called him, and I asked what it is that he did for a job and what it was that he was trying to accomplish with all the questions. I assured him I was an open book and I would answer any question he had. He said nothing and told me he was busy and would call me back!!(1) hr later I got and e-mail telling me to schedule his job!!any thoughts from RCIA members
Over the years I've found that an educated(by me) consumer is my best customer. Our industry is relatively new and some folks will do limited research and then ask questions. Most times they still have to be educated on what we do and what is required for us to provide our service. I found this to be true while I worked in facilities management(higher education environments) and when I started my lawn care/property services business. When the opportunity presents itself just educate him/her on the procedures/protocols that we follow and they will be content based on your confidence/tone.
Serving the Pocono and Lehigh Valley(Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton, Monroe, Pike and Wayne Counties), PA community as well as both Warren and Sussex Counties of New Jersey
Thanks for the feed back!! I answered every question this guy threw at me. He had alot of questions, and he gave me the impression he was trying to find a Green product. I gave him every bit of Info I had and just stopped short of telling him the exact mixture! He just shocked me buy telling me via email to schedule his roof cleaning.
Serving the Pocono and Lehigh Valley(Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton, Monroe, Pike and Wayne Counties), PA community as well as both Warren and Sussex Counties of New Jersey
I would of walked. If this guy sneezes or gets a headache 2 weeks later you my hear back from him.
I've been around long enough to know that there is a good chance this job will be a problem.
Maybe it won't, but odds are..... It will come back to haunt.
I call this.... Firing a customer.
I'm sorry Mr. Homeowner, I am unable to do your project.... But here is a number of a company that may be able to. :)
Like I said earlier! I Have no reason to walk! I have had difficult customers before,(25yrs) in remodeling i have had a few. I emailed him a contract he was instructed to sign and return with a deposit! I Have had gut feelings before and i have always followed them! My gut tells me this guy has talked to an All Green roof cleaner and that is how he got his info!! If the deposit comes I will hold up my end of the deal!
It could go either way with this guy but I would do the job! Your work will be perfect,he will be happy and tell everyone about your company. I bet when this guy recommends someone..... " people listen "
Take a lot of pictures before the job. Walk the entire house exterior. Take pics of any torn screens, spotty grass, faded paint.... On the roof, take pictures of flashing, worn shingles, etc... Anything that may come back to bite ya.....
Make absolutely sure no cars are in the driveway.
Then, do the job.... And hopefully prove us "walk away'ers" wrong. I sure hope all goes well for you Brian !