Mr Dog Sir, If you are looking to network in a way that will benefit you.Stop looking on the bottom. Do a google search for the Big Dog cleaners in your area and see if you can get something from them. If you keep trolling for these little "CraigsList guys" it might boost your ego but you will not benefit. It is not a win win. A larger company may benefit from working with a go-getter like you and you in turn will step up the rung. IMHO
You just love talking roof cleaning, you can't help it. Just remember to keep your mouth shut when you talk to him.
I'm a lil like Chris! Talked to him on phone today. I walked away with Myristimine! That what I called apple butter. He is a teacher to the bone.
I cant teach my competition!
Dude I met at Sunbrite.He does St Marys county! I threw him a job right up his alley, on the card, wood job.
Normally I'da done it. Called him yesterday? left a message, did you get the job, what?
I already need a gutter cleaning sub, he dipped out.
Keep in mind you are NOT Chris T, and it is not in your best interest to educate your competitors. Refer therm here and let them learn the hard way like you did.
Remember the old saying " LOOSE LIPS, SINK MIGHTY SHIPS". Looks like yours has a major leak already.!
You are right Gary.
This thread I started, we all need to tighten up. Just another random thought of mine.
Mr Dog Sir, If you are looking to network in a way that will benefit you.Stop looking on the bottom. Do a google search for the Big Dog cleaners in your area and see if you can get something from them. If you keep trolling for these little "CraigsList guys" it might boost your ego but you will not benefit. It is not a win win. A larger company may benefit from working with a go-getter like you and you in turn will step up the rung. IMHO
That the same thing in reverse higher up.
You have to be an equal, or close.
Thats why Im getting a burner. It's whats meant for this year, and a new trailer, I just bought one. getting tagged tuesday.