Can someone help me out? I've tried figuring this out on my own but haven't been able to. Maybe I am just stupid but how do you search in just the Premium section? Or is there a way yet?
Bluwater Roof and Exterior Cleaning
Non-Pressure Roof Cleaning
Serving Lee and Collier counties in Southwest Florida
Ft Myers, FL
Safe Roof Cleaning & Exterior House Washing in Naples, Ft Myers and Bonita Springs
Log out of the premium section (close your browser totally).
From the open (guest section) enter your search data. When (if) the topic is found you will be required to log into the premium section to see it. This has worked for me on occassion, but not every time.
Log out of the premium section (close your browser totally).
From the open (guest section) enter your search data. When (if) the topic is found you will be required to log into the premium section to see it. This has worked for me on occassion, but not every time.
Glad to see you post that Gary as I have found the shade and the PS unsearchable. I pretty much have given up but have found the best thing for me to remember is to keep something I find interesting in my favs. Much easier to clean up too many saved pages later.
I tried it, it didn't work. But I'll keep playing around with it, thanks. Jon
Barry and I spoke about this a while back and pretty much figured that the premium section and the shade are not searchable. I hope Gary's way will work.