I would like to see how many companies in the Central Florida area that would be interested in attending a training class put on by Miller Fall Protection training. I have used the folks in the past for my classes and they are great. Class size is usually 15 to 20. They will give you a huge boost in setting up your safety program within your company. I could get the facility to do the class, I just need to see if there as any interest locally. If not i will travel to one of there classes
No the training is not free. Based on the feedback and what course would be most desired will determine the cost. Miller sets the amount per student and they will come out to a site with enough students signed up. I want to go back through the OSHA competent class because of new changes to some of the ANSI standards
The competent person training class is 825.00, this is a very small investment if you ever have an accident in your company. Millerfallprotection.com they have a free training video up now for review it is 55 minutes long and will give you an idea of your exposures when placing employees in elevated work stations. As some on here can attest, safety has to be a huge part of what you do.