This home owner is where Gutterdogs got started cleaning gutters. Made 20 bucks doing the gutter clean years and years ago. After a couple of years I had to start charging him more. This man very tight with his money. I havent cleaned his gutters in a while. He been paying someone else to do it for 20. The person attempted to wash his roof. Well here are the pics of the roof wash starting with what i seen of his attempt. Was told he went on the roof with a gallon of clorox and a wire brush.
I'm guessing he made a concession about his fixation on $20.00 What are the tiny white spots on the second and fifth pix? Looks like you got rid of them-
Looks like Mr. $20.00 bucks decided to fork over a few more 20's and have it Cleaned the right way. Very nice job. He's very lucky that you were able to save what was still left of his Shingle Roof.