This is one I did yesterday. I had to hit it a few times. For some reason the SH lately has been weaker than before (rare for us in FL). It was nice because it had gutters (another rarity in my area). I did not rinse. We had a really good storm last night so I went by and took some pictures today.
Nick, you say you hit this a few times. How long did you wait between applications? Trying to bet an idea of what technique is best. Thanks, patrick
Hi Patrick, I waited approximately 30 mins or so. I did one side then moved on and came back. I would normally have waited a bit longer but I could definitely tell it needed another hit. I'm a wee bit annoyed at my SH supplier... it has been very weak lately. Been asking for an updated CoA but they 'can't' get me one yet... time to shop around.
Prime Choice Power Wash LLC Roof Cleaning Kissimmee Florida
I just did a roof that needed a second shot of the Love. I rinsed in between to try and get it clean. I reapplied and it is clean now. Do you think rinsing between coats is needed?
Not at all. I usually wait until the love is just about dry to be sure I get the full use and then hit it again. You will be able to tell because it will be black still. It's fun as you can almost watch the stuff disappear before your eyes.