Preventing skin irritation can make or break a productive day or week. I keep two extra pair of clothing and foot ware on the truck at all times. For my hands I apply Aquaphor healing ointment made by Eucerin, cover with latex disposable exam gloves then a pair of thick rubber gloves that extend half way up my forearm. Aquaphor works great from head to toe in preventing or healing all skin Irritation. Medicated powders like goldbond work wonders to prevent or heal skin chaffing. Sores, rashes, chaffin or plain old red raw skin from chemicals is easier to prevent than to heal. I speak from painful past experiences. Have a Great Holiday Weekend.
I hear what your`re saying. I went to a fire & safety store & bought chemical proof gloves for $ 7.00 a pair best $ 7.00 Ive ever spent next to a six pack.