We buy the chem shipping tanks pictured above for $25 a piece I think they are 350 gallons.The key to them is to find a plant that uses the peroxide or whatever chemicals comes in them locally. I just got two yamada pumps from my buddy that works at a concrete plant. They use them to pump chemicals and did a change out so i got there old ones. We haul the SHC in a 55 drum and then mix it on the job it works for us.
Holt Construction & Cleaning
424 East Orange Street Jesup, Ga 31546 912-302-7050
I have been searching but not finding actual amounts. Maybe not looking in the right place. I have a 200 gal. tank, how many square feet of roof will I be able to clean ? Nothing extremely dirty. Would hate to be on the road and run short of Love!
A 200 Gallon tank of Properly mixed love will clean 4 and up to 8 roofs maximum of 1,000 to 2,000 sq. foot of moderately streaked ranch style roofing.
This is a fair average. This also depends on nozzle size, chemical concentration, and other factors