First of all, a few simple, but important questions if I may.
Have you been utilizing computers and software to run your roof cleaning business successfully?
If not, you need to be utilizing the power and speed of that tool you are using to read this post for more than just email and blogging because if you are still keeping the books and running your businees or intend to start a new enterprise by manual data entry, you are seriously shortchanging your and your businesses potential.
If you said yes and you are business software literate, have you noticed that there is not any easy software program out there that is specifically tailored to the pressure cleaning/roof cleaning business owner? Shouldn't there be?
If you are new to this industry, or coming back to or even a veteran that has been doing this a while, let me ask you....Have you ever been frustrated by the fact that you must use a number of different programs, from a variety of companies and it makes taking a fairly uncomplicated task like mailing out postcards or keeping demographics on you target market, or, then turning to another task like mail merging your contact or customer list with your excel data base or getting a graphical picture of your expeditures in Qiuckbooks, but what if you need to generate a document of all the top producing sales reps you have on payroll or that are subcontractors from your last quarter along with a summary of your six month chemical and gas expendatures.....are you confused yet? I am. Because by the time I get home from a cleaning job I don't want to read or worse re-read yet again, a manual of technical jargon from one software company, only to find I have to reference another companies manual just to get the first task done and etc, etc. etc.
So, if you are aligning with me and feeling that you too are "UNDER UTILIZING" you PC or Mac and want to get the most out of that expensive piece of glass metal and plastic sitting on top of or under your desk then I have another question for you.
Does anyone have any other software that they are using that does "everything" they want a business software package to do specifically for the service industry we are all in? If so please comment about it.
If your answer is a resounding "NO", then read on.
If you are not using software specifically designed to be a leader in this market you can be sure, your competitor, somewhere close to you will be, and soon.
Now I am not just talking about using ACT! or Maximizer or Outllook for Contact Management and scheduling and then scabbing on an accounting program like Quickbooks Pro for invoicing and keeping the books but, honestly has anyone found ONE complete package that does all of these things and more?
If you have personally scoured the web for years and made many pilgramiges the local office Superstores and come back wanting, then you are going down a dead end path of frustration and lost sleep. I have to tell you that I have finally a very bright individual CEO that owns a very successful service business has taken and used his resources and a lot of years of tweaking in his own franchise of businesses and has put together the best of the best with EVERY feature you could ever want in a powerful piece of service industry software and has actually did it correctly.
I very confident that I have actually FINALLY, after MANY years, found a "Holy Grail" program that may solve all of our problems with bookkeeping, scheduling, contact management, mailing , marketing, invoicing, accounts receivable and payable, scheduling recuuring tasks, like follow ups and even treatment re-sheduling for those applying fungicide annually or bi- yearly, plus, a whole heck of a lot more.
Actually, everything I described in the prior paragraph in terms of a software feature set is actually on just the tip of the iceburg of this awesome program.
It is TRULY, ABSOLUTELY, A blessing from the service software gods.
Actually, this "gold mine of a program" is truly incredible, ( am just itching to tell you what it is and where to get it )and once you see the MASSIVE amount of benefits it offers pressure cleaners and those newbies venturing into the roof cleaning niche, it will be very apparent to you, just as it is to me that you cannot and should do or ever be, without this new technology.
I truly believe it will absolutely change the face of the way we do business in this segment of the market.
As the Yoda master said in another post. It is not always wise to give all your secrets away but if I have "dangled a carrot", believe me I have no intention of leaving you hanging.
However, you have to know two things about me.
1. I am a business man and you can't fault me for that. "I was born at night, but, it wasn't last night", and so therfore I have had many opportunities taken from me by people less scrupulous. I know know after many years that knowledge truly does equal power. The power to change your life nad your cirimstances, if you are ready for it when the opportunity presents itself and I know I have found that "diamond" in the rocky river bed and yes, I do want to share it with this forum so all can benefit, but as a wise person once said, " I, too, gotta eat"
2. If you find that after e-mailing me and formally requesting my information and link to this tremendously valuable software tailored specifically for our market, it proves to be at least or if not more than everything I have ranted on about here, then I respectfully ask that you kindly use my name and business when you decide to use it. Again, this is not my software, nor do I have any rights to any part of it but I will get some brownie points for the recommendation which is only fair and costs you nothing for adding my referral name and company when calling or e-mailing and requesting more detailed information. I think this is only fair.
So, now that we are on the same page, if you are interested in possibly the most important discovery in service "all-in one" software that REALLY hits the mark and is a bulls eye for your new, growing or established business then, you may email me at and request more info. The email and the company link from me, is, of course FREE.
Just for the record, once more, I am not affiliated with the company but do ask that once I send you the link, my only requst is that you promise to mention my name and my company to the representitive i put you in touch with, that is all I ask.
If you really, truly, do want the search to be FINALLY over trying to find a "TOTAL" solution, a software solution to make your job as a roof cleaner, easier and more profitable then you owe it to yourself and your business to request the link and contact name from me.
I could probably put up a website with affilaite links to really get paid for recommending this incredible new "ALL IN ONE" software tool, but thats to formal. I wanted this referral to be like it came from a friend, one on one. So, like the honor system, all you need do is email me and request the link and if you like what you see then pursue it and use it and benefit from it.
Finally, to recap this unique powerhouse software is a way to effectively market to, track, schedule, keep detailed books on and generally run a tight, massively effective and successful cleaning biz providing the best in the specialty roof cleaning business, for those you emply and for your customers.
I cannot recommend this, gem of a find for, industry specific software, highly enough.
Also, I do not know it all nor do I ever hope to. Having said that if you have found better software or have developed some that tops this, I would appreciate knowing of more types of do it all software designed for the service industry in mind. Please share it with all of us.
Many thanks for your time and patience in reading this long post.
Great Post! It might better be placed in the marketing section ? It is OK for vendors to place free ads here aimed at us roof guys. Thanks for giving us all a heads up! If the post is in the wrong forum, maybe edit it, and move it to a better forum ?