It always amazes me how great the roof's Eric cleans look after he is finished. Today, I captured him adding his own special ingredient to the roof mix. His secret is out! LOL
I was dead serious about the two step cleaning method. It has revolutionized many cleaning markets.
The cleaning power of a two step cleaning method come from the abrupt PH Change when you spray Pizz with the roof cleaning mix. The Mix is at a HIGH PH, and Urine is at a lower PH.
The pH of urine can vary between 4.6 and 8, with neutral (7) being norm. In persons with hyperuricosuria, acidic urine can contribute to the formation of stonesof uric acid in the kidneys, ureters, or bladder.[11] Urine pH can be monitored by a physician[12] or at home.
A diet high in citrus, vegetables, or dairy can increase urine pH (more basic)[dubious– discuss]. Some drugs also can increase urine pH, including acetazolamide, potassium citrate, and S bicarbonate.[citation needed]
A diet high in meat can decrease urine pH (more acidic).[citation needed] Cranberries, popularly thought to decrease the pH of urine, have actually been shown not to acidify urine.[13] Drugs that can decrease urine pH include ammonium chloride, chlorothiazide diuretics, and methenamine mandelate.[14][15]
The Two-Step Process
While most anyone can clean an over-the-road tandem tractor if given enough time, a bucket of soap and a generous amount of determination, cleaning large fleets in an efficient and cost-effective manner is an altogether different undertaking. The great division between those who have managed to do this with both ease and striking efficiency may well be the adaptation of the Two-Stepcleaning method.
The Two-Step method relies on the chemical reaction of two chemical products applied one over the other to achieve the supreme cleaning power attributed to this system. Omega Chemical has over a period of several years developed two specific chemicals for use in the Two-Step system that have brought a new level of ease and efficiency to truck washing. These two chemicals each have phenomenal cleaning properties when used in stand-alone applications. In fact, each of them has found an appreciative and growing market and has fared extremely well in the highly competitive field of chemical cleaning products. When used together in the Two-Step system, however, we have found in test cleaning over 50,000 tractors and trailers a minimum 200% increase in cleaning power and efficiency over tests involving either of these chemicals, or any others, in traditional stand-alone applications.
The results that are consistently obtained in the use of these two products within the Two-Step system are so remarkable that they must be seen to be believed. In cold water washing at 2000 p.s.i. at 4.75 g.p.m. washers are regularly washing five to six 53 ft. vans an hour using one man with no brushing! Production has gone up to 10 to 12 units per hour washing single-axle tractors.)
First we apply the primary application product. This is done through a downstream chemical injection system of our own design. It has the unique feature of allowing us to control not only the precise dilution ratio, but can also allow us to choose from two different chemicals with great ease and rapidity. We can cover an entire 53 ft. trailer in about three minutes. We then apply the secondary chemical directly over the first. This is also done in about three minutes. At this point, the dirt, grime and most stubborn road film are completely defeated. The dirt and road film has been thoroughly loosened and can be seen running down the sides of the unit! The corrosion on aluminum rails is gone and the rails are shiny as well as spotlessly clean. Another benefit is the complete neutralization of both chemicals, leaving a rinse water free of acids or alkalis when used properly.
The rinsing procedure now begins. The dirt is so thoroughly defeated at this point that the unit could be easily rinsed with a garden hose. The only reason for the high-pressure rinse is to quicken the rinsing process. The pressure is not necessary to do the cleaning in most applications. The only purpose of the high pressure and volume of water are to speed up the rinsing. On the average, a 53 ft. van can be rinsed by one man in about six minutes. Even stainless steel doors come out immaculately clean and brilliantly shiny.
The two secrets to this system are, 1) the chemicals themselves. Each is produced and balanced uniquely to complement the other and , 2) a good chemical injection system. Using the power of this approach to solve your truck washing needs will produce results and efficiency unequalled by any system that we know.
Sometimes it seems like Chris, with Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa, Fl ACTUALLY know darn near everything there is to know about this business! I'm glad to have him to consult. I know I never used TSP in my tile roof mix, until I learned it from him! I learned plenty of other roof cleaning things from him too! Plus, of course, RCIA is his creation, so, thanks to Chris Tucker, we all learn from each other! Thanks!!!!!
Serving Englewood Rotonda North Port Cape Haze Venice Port Charlotte Punta Gorda Boca Grande Charlotte and Southern Sarasota Counties in Florida.
Bergman Roof Cleaning Port Charlotte FL 941-698-1959 wrote:
Sometimes it seems like Chris, with Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa, Fl ACTUALLY know darn near everything there is to know about this business! I'm glad to have him to consult. I know I never used TSP in my tile roof mix, until I learned it from him! I learned plenty of other roof cleaning things from him too! Plus, of course, RCIA is his creation, so, thanks to Chris Tucker, we all learn from each other! Thanks!!!!!
We all learn from each other Brother Chuck!
It is my hope and expectation that the people I have taught will come back someday, and teach ME something.