ANR CLEANING SERVICES WILL CLEAN what's growing on your Roof, House and Driveway.
Asphalt roofs across much of Jacksonville, Orange Park, Ponte Vedra Beach and most of Florida are being infested by a dark green algae (commonly considered black mold). The technical term for the algae is Gloeocapsa Magma.
Gloeocapsa Magma Algae is spread by wind and animals, and grows from a dot to a spot to a streak. As a Gloeocapsa Magma Algae colony grows, older algae decompose, and will hold moisture, which enables the entire colony to grow even more rapidly. Many times a homeowner will just notice a spot, and in no time, half the asphalt roof shingles are covered. Increased moisture levels lead to the growth of lichen, mold and even moss. When lichen are present a phycobiont relationship exists between the Gloeocapsa magma (provides the photosynthesis algal component) and the lichen (the fungal portion of the colony).
This algae can also be tracked into your house from the drives and walks and grow in your carpeting.Luckily, the Gloeocapsa Magma Algae can be removed by thorough roof cleaning using quality roof algae cleanersrecommended by the ARMA* Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association. We apply these cleaners with a gentle non pressure method with about the same pressure as a garden hose. Our method is recommended by shingle manufactures and won't harm the shingles or your home. Call us at 904-710-1249 or visit us on the web at
That was a nicely written paragraph, it was easy reading and informative. Some articles get to long and to technical and will lose a customers interest. Nicely written article..
That was nicely written. Gigliotti ? That must be some good spaghetti.
Al Gigliotti cleans a lot of roofs up in Ponte Vedra Beach, plus he eats a lot of Spaghetti. I eat a lot too, but roof cleaning in the hot Florida Sun keeps us from getting fatter