I have a Wilden air pump that i would like to see if there is a way you can run two lines off it the one pump or is that pushing it to much. Could go so much faster on some siding jobs with two guys syraying with only one rig.
Also interested in seeing if you can run some type of slitter on my truck mounted pressure washer for going large concrete jobs. Once again I only have one rig and would like to run two lines of my pressure washer. Its a large truck mounter hot water unit.
Welcome any ideas. I am guessing I am dreaming of being able to do this but thought some of you premium members would tell another premium member the skinny on it.
All Washed Up 505 Carriage Hill Drive Forest, VA 24551 434-841-9889 David@AllWashed.com
You should not run two guns off a hot water machine, its to hard on it! Most guys will get a 8gl a min washer then split it for a 4gl. It is really hard on the unit, JMHO.
I would look into it a little more Eric. I don't know for sure either. But if I was to take what every dealer says to me as Gospel truth........Well you know.
Elephant Roof and Exterior Cleaning Raleigh North Carolina David Hoover 919-207-0666 Benson NC. Roof Cleaning Raleigh NC