I placed an ad for a new Tech trainee. Doing interviews this weekend. This one guy works for a competitor. I can beat his salary, but not med and dental. Plus I know his boss.
Is it right to "steal" an employee? What kind of probs could I get into??? Would he be a spy? Steal my gigs and go back to work for the other guy?
He is already experienced in everything, is this too good to be true? You know what they say about that!
Any and all coments appriciated! This one wont self destruct.
You are asking questions that apply to this persons personal character.No one can answer that but your gut feeeling. You did not seek him out he came to you,right? That's just the way it is in business.Happens everyday in the painting biz.
He'll be happy with you until the next guy buys one of those fancy one cup coffee makers for the office. I would definitely choose one company over the other based on good free coffee.
Gut feeling has never let me down!! Not once!! Every time I have bet against the gut feeling , when something was to good to be true!! I have always lost!!