Tom the guy isnt a roof cleaner or pressure washer. He thought gutter scrubbing and whitening were 2 diff things.
Sent email to fix, and some other stuff.
Check out the progress!
Still a work in progress. A lil slow but should pick up speed because he more familiar with this hosting.
What I'm asking is could some friends share their FAQ, and give me permission to copy some of it.
Only reason I'm asking is it would save me some time, versus 3 hours comming up with it myself, I'm really burnt out with ideas.
The webmaster leans on me alot for content and vids etc, but I wouldnt want it done anyother way.
It has to be "ME" on the website, My personality. That you read, that you see and hear in vids. Like when you read a book, you get into the mind of the person who wrote it.
So I ask again, Can I have some help with FAQ page. If nobody has one, I'll put the time in to make one again.
Anyone, Paid RCIA member,is allowed to use it. Just change the wording around so it is not a complete copy. Google doesnt like that.
What could be so different from host to host, the FTP? He must have made a copy of the old site.
Zach, Yahoo said there was no reason why we had to leave them. That he couldve gotten around some issues. They also said some webmasters use diff things to get the same result. We went through FTP, mysql, bunch of stuff! The final kicker was data base? Yahoo doesnt allow that option or something. So We had to change hosting.