Going off on someone always feels good, But you will get more bee s with honey than vinigar is what was always told to me! I still think going off feels better. There must be a was to prove this is someone just trying to smear your name.
Some a-hole left me a bad review on my google places. He left me a message yesterday. I don't know who he is and I didn't clean his roof. What to do?
I've got the same problem. It turns out my negative review came from my local competitors website designer. You can report it to Google, but they won't remove the rating. I've tried several times. Have you figured out exactly who it came from?
Tom you might just have to write a comment below it, someone did the same thing to me as well, I think reviews are BS any way, who is to say a person can't have 20 of their friends write a good review, and I'm sure viewers think the same. as for my self I don't pay no attention to reviews when deciding to buy, however you do need to think wisely and write a comment below.
I first checked out the other reviews he posted. He had only posted 3. A negative on mine, a positive on his, and a positive on my competitor's. At that point I thought my competitor was to blame, so I Googled the screen name that was used. I found a YouTube account as well as numerous forum posts answering web building questions. And like a lot of us, his name was in his signature. The power of the internet.