Did my first roof Yesterday....... So Happy.....the color was a brown shingle roof it came out great!! But today I cleaned a roof that was a black shingle roof....the problem I am having is there is a left over tan color flim stain on the roof ....need some info on what to do.
And 1 more. You may not have used a strong enough mix to rid the roof of all algae and you can see the partially bleached algae that's left on the black roofing. It could be well water, but that usually takes quite a while to show up. It could be dead algae, but only if there was an excessive amount of algae. My 20 year guess is your mix was too weak. Hit it again and I bet it's gone!
Serving Englewood Rotonda North Port Cape Haze Venice Port Charlotte Punta Gorda Boca Grande Charlotte and Southern Sarasota Counties in Florida.
Look up my "unhappy customer" post. Same thing you are talking about and looking thru polorized glasses looks twice as bad. First good rain and it should the dead alae away.