I would think TWICE before you put the ARMA Bulletin is any marketing brocure. Think about it, it calls for diluted bleach, and devalues roof cleaning. If I was a customer, I would say "WTF do you mean, 550.00 to clean my roof, when all you do is spray diluted bleach on it"
The whole roof needs to breath, but technically not the shingles specifically, it is more the roof system. I have seen a shingle roof with a poly seal coat and it looks really good, it brightens the granules, like a paver sealer(super wet) would do. But is there a time when the warranty will not be beneficial to the owner, and a good cleaning and a seal coat would supersede the pro-rated balance of the warranty? It has been a thought? but the upsell maybe difficult, as the sealers are not cheap. About 2k to seal a 2500' house, with 5-600 of it material expense.
Why is it said that a roof should breathe? How can you determine if the roof is properly ventilated? When contractors say a roof should breathe, they are usually referring to the ventilation system beneath the roof deck. Most shingle warranties require ventilation. An effective ventilation system will help: