Please call Russ Johnson and thank Russ for making a great event Happen, without distributor support like this events counldnt happen.
If you had a great time at the event and understand how important the support is please pick up the phone no matter who you are and please just say thanks to Russ personally.
If you have even used Russ in the past please tell us a story of how Russ Johnson Changed your business or help you in a Pinch..
5027248491 Russ Johnson
Ron Musgraves
National Cleaning Expos 480-522-5227 Mobile Cleaning Contractor Education Seminars Roundtables
W/O The Hot Water Skid Giveaway, the Tampa Roundtable would not have been what it was. I talked to hundreds of people there, and many said "I am going to win that Skid" Russ Johnson from Southside stepped up to the plate on very short notice, and supported the Roundtable. Since there were Myself, Bill, and AC speaking from the RCIA, and many RCIA members in attendance, it is my opinion Russ Johnson supported US ! Please call and thank him for what he did, on very short notice, at great cost to himself. Remember guys, another distributor got a LOT of free publicity as the "donator of the hot water skid". This distributor, after getting TONS of free publicity, pulled out suddenly Russ Johnson stepped up, at great expense to his company, and w/o the months long promotion he should have got, to possibly compensate him for about 5 Grand out of his pocket! I am asking every RCIA Member to at least consider Russ for any upcoming equipment purchase, and to call and Personally thank him for what he did for us. Thank You Russ Johnson