NO! This is a 12,000 GPH pump or 200 Gallons per minute! Using 2 inch hose!
Maybe if the whole house and roof was engulfed in algae and mutated into a monster that started consuming the whole house, you could put the algae fire out with your 200GPM fire hose using your roof cleaning mix. LOL!
Some guys on this board complain about having to carry up 3/4" hose on a roof, this pump takes a 2" hose!
Come on now Justin, you can't be serious.
Throttle back 200 gallons per minute?
We only use about 4-7 gallons per minute.
Only use I can see for this pump is for Chris Tucker and Apple Roof Cleaning as a chemical transfer pump to fill up his 335 gallon tanks with bleach for his shingle and tile roof mix.
Not sure how long it would last, he might already have one.
-- Edited by Roof Cleaning Pro Greensboro NC (336)362 7659 on Friday 21st of May 2010 07:45:22 AM
Better get to Labor Ready and hire about 30guys to water the shrubs and grass. I hope you have a couple big 600gallon tanks and a fat wallet to cover the cost of chems for the Roof too as well as customers that will be willing to pay a couple grand for their Roofs to be Cleaned. Hahaha!
On a more serious note, that would make a good rinsing pump if you have a large enough buffer tank and a fire hose and nozzle.
It can make a very good rinse pump. It is a centrifugal pump, tons of flow, no pressure, and as head pressure increases, like when you go up on a roof, flow decreases until you can pizz more chemical! A FAT 3/4 water hose has been proven to be adequate for rinsing, even a 5/8 water hose works, if you slow down. Roof Cleaning is not a Marathon, or a road race, especially for a NEW roof cleaner, you want people to see you !
These pumps are actually used for application of driveway sealers. They come factory made with these type of pumps. My buddy had one and it worked well with 3/4" hose with a ball valve and wand with big fan nozzles,....and is very controllable. He now uses an air diaphragm to pump the sealer.
But as Chris said, pressure,...especially at heights,...and it takes pressure and flow to shoot very far.
There was a review at Northertool stating that the owner used theirs for fire control in California. That it could hit 60-80 foot trees while pumping water from their pool.
Was that the top of the 60-80 foot trees or the bottom of them. Good luck getting the pump you showed shooting 60 feet,...especially in the up direction.
I have one of these pumps that I use to suck water out of the creek on those crazy rare occasions, and I do have a fitting on it that necks it down to 3/4 inch and it works ok if you throttle it back, but I don't use it for roof cleaning and I really don't think it would be that good of a machine for this.
Check out some kind of 12v pump, they are not really that expensive.
It will work a lot better with the flow between 2 and 7 gallon per minute!!