Tomorrow I have a roof to clean and some stucco siding. The roof is really in bad shape. I think it is lite brown, but not for sure cause it is now black!
Problem: The temp. tomorrow is only supposed to get to 44*. I plan on starting around 1:00 P.M. so frost should be gone by then. It is going down to around 25* tonight. I am going to beef up the solution to around 50/50 with some TSP. Any thing else the veterans can suggest to ensure this turns out great, since this is a subdivision full of 3/4 Million$$ houses that all need roof cleaning. I could retire off just this one subdivision. Any help or ideas appreciated!
Keep in mind the dwell time will need to be extended. The cooler it is the slower the product actually works. Be patient and allow it time to penetrate and do its job. You will be wasting roduct and money if you keep applying because it is taking longer. It will eliminate the algae and staining, it just takes longer.
mix your tsp in 5gal buckets use hot hot hot water to dissolve the tsp and mix it with a electic drill or cordless.
here it a little secret that learnd the hard way.if your tsp is not dissolved enough it with clog your pump won't know whats wrong the pump will run just fine but it wont pump or blow.