hey fellas....thanks for the help of all in pricing my last golf course job...it has not been done yet as the golf course has a big week and wants it done next week...
i priced $4000.00 aussi dollars for it...
have just got another big golf course job...
approx. 2500 sq metres...dont know the sq footage (we work in metres down under)
anyway...the post is regarding a question i have...
the entire gold course has no gutters whatsoever and it is completely smooth finished concrete tile....considering the extensive and well manicured landscape of the surrounding area i am concerned with run off...
any ideas on how to catch run off effectively??
my idea is to purchase large amounts of cheap cheap matress foam...the love would stream straight off the roof onto the foam...the foam would limit splashing as well as love running into garden beds etc...
it would allow my ground man a lot more breathing space and will allow him to have more control over the run off....
anyone else got some good tips on what i should be doing here??
I just did alot of research for you my suggestion is to have your ground men saturate the plants and ground, I mean soak them, and continue wetting while you apply the love on the roof. what else can you do?
you can tarp the plants start early before it gets hot and dont leave the tarp in one spot to long i do this all the time when there is alot of landscape it takes longer but i never damage the plants
Billy Jensen New Port Richey FL 34652 727-243-4305 weguaranteeclean@live.com