I heard 30 seconds kills the moss within a very short period of time and then it just washes down the roof with a hose. Its mostly a bleach solution but isnt the apple cider mix pretty much a bleach solution. Should patent that shiz and sell it in 5 gallon buckets! Will a heavy bleach solution turn the roof a dif. color? I would appreciate the feedback thanks.
Roofs aren't "bleachable" You won't lose color on shingles from bleach. I know of nothing including bleach that you can spray moss with and then just use a hose to rinse it down with and have it come off in a satisfactory way. Moss and lichen have to fall off gradually over time after the initial killing or you risk damage to the roof by pulling off granules with the moss. Every now and then on very stable shingles you can get away with it,...but not usually.
The reason you don't see APPLE CIDER mixes patented and sold is because it requires fresh SHC. That is why all the patented stuff (that generally barley works or not at all) is out there instead.
Well thats how you already buy it really. Someone already sells TSP, ISP and SHC. and the SHC only has a 1 month shelf life, even less if you cut it down to a small container. Buy the time it was shipped and hit the store shelf it would only have about 1 week life left. No retailer would want something like that, it would be like selling produce (grapes apples etc.) except it would have about a 4% market share instead of 100% like produce.
Hey, Did you use any pressure cleaning tools on this roof? What are the white streaks?
What did you use on this roof as a cleaning agent.
Just curious.
James (8 Year In Service Roof Cleaning) In Business Since 1981 Exclusive Home Services Of Memphis www.wecleanroofs.net (brand new off the floor showroom site coming soon)
Most people who remove moss this way scrape at the moss with a steel brush and then dust it with zinc. Not exactly the best thing for the roof, scraping causes damage and loss of roofing material, but for guys who want to be in and out in a day this is usually the method used.
Well I have been pressure washing for over 15 years and have done my share of pressure washing on roofs. I know from first hand experience that the method that I use is a lot better for the roof life then a pressure washer. Also, in my experience, moss comes off with the same amount of effort alive as it does dead. If you have a better chemical that detaches Id love to hear about it. thanks for the info.
I didnt pressure wash just brushed and plastic scrapers only on the ends where the moss is... A lot of people seem to think that its hard on the roof but it really isnt.
It is not a live culture, but you can think of it that way in terms of shelf life. The SHC just can't handle being what it is for very long. The electrolisis process it goes through in production is fairly unstable, especially after ANY exposure to sunlight and oxygen.