1)12V Shurflo 1.8gpm 60psi. Weakest pump I have used. Painfully slow, does not draw well or shoot very far.
2)12V Shurflo 1.5gpm 150psi Good pump. Good for decks, fences, trim around houses, small touch up roofs jobs while washing a house, pumps well through 200ft 3/8" hose. Too slow for entire roofs.
3) 115V Shurflo 3.3gpm 50psi. Ok pump, I used it a little while for roofs, much faster than 1.8 but I started getting into electrical problems, it kept shorting out, and tripping the breakers on customers houses when it got wet.
4) 12V Flojet 4.9gpm 40psi. Great pump, holds up very well, lasts a long time and another big difference going from the Shurflo 3.3gpm.
5) 12V Delavan 5.0gpm 60psi. As of 2007, the best 12V pump I have owned. 2007 technology provides performance unheard of with 12V pumps. Again another step up from the 12V Flojet.
6) 12V Delavan 7.0gpm 100psi.The current king of all 12V pumps. Performance actually rivals gas powered chemical pumps.
For serious full time roof cleaning, get an air diaphragm pump with an air compressor.
12V Delavan pumps operate best with wire is short as possible and thick. I use 10 gauge wire for my FATBOY 7gpm pump and a strong car battery 770CCA/950CA.
Thanks Mike! The more people who clean roofs and share their experiences with roof cleaning pumps, the better. There are the pump tec 12 volt pumps, and the Johnsons too.
I�went and finished connecting the Bandit to the new Roof Cleaning Trailer yesterday and started up the Bandit to make sure that it is running ok for a couple of roofs coming up soon.
I have had the Bandit for a little over 2 years now (the first one made) and it is still going strong. I do have a spare roller pump and a rebuild kit so when it does give out, I will be ready.
Too bad they are not being made anymore.
Superior Power Washing Chris Chappell 361-853-2513 Cleaning Shingle and Tile Roofs in Corpus Christi Texas No Pressure Roof Cleaning in Corpus Christi Texas Texas Certified Roof Cleaner